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Thymus peptide C

CAS No. 316791-23-8

Thymus peptide C ( —— )

产品货号. M30393 CAS No. 316791-23-8

Thymus peptide C, a hormonal drug derived from the thymus glands of young calves, acts as a substitute for the physiological functions of the thymus.

纯度: >98% (HPLC)

COA Datasheet HNMR HPLC MSDS Handing Instructions
规格 价格/人民币 库存 数量
5MG ¥2491 有现货
100MG 获取报价 有现货
200MG 获取报价 有现货
500MG 获取报价 有现货


  • 产品名称
    Thymus peptide C
  • 注意事项
  • 产品简述
    Thymus peptide C, a hormonal drug derived from the thymus glands of young calves, acts as a substitute for the physiological functions of the thymus.
  • 产品描述
    Thymus peptide C, a hormonal drug derived from the thymus glands of young calves, acts as a substitute for the physiological functions of the thymus. (In Vitro):Thymus Peptide C antagonizes the adrenocortical hormones' effect on the lymphatic system. Thymus Peptide C works as a substitute for the physiological functions of the thymus. With T-cell deficiency, Thymus Peptide C recruits immature system cells in the bone marrow and stimulates their maturation to the fully active T-cell phase in the lymphatic system. Thymus Peptide C increases granulopoiesis and erythropoiesis by acting on the bone marrow. The preparation can be used for all diseases with primary and secondary immune system disturbances involving T-cells which are thymus dependent and for a wide range of symptoms such as chronic viral, bacterial and fungal infections; allergic and auto-immune reactions; and certain lymphoproliferative syndromes.
  • 体外实验
    Thymus Peptide C antagonizes the adrenocortical hormones' effect on the lymphatic system. Thymus Peptide C works as a substitute for the physiological functions of the thymus. With T-cell deficiency, Thymus Peptide C recruits immature system cells in the bone marrow and stimulates their maturation to the fully active T-cell phase in the lymphatic system. Thymus Peptide C increases granulopoiesis and erythropoiesis by acting on the bone marrow. The preparation can be used for all diseases with primary and secondary immune system disturbances involving T-cells which are thymus dependent and for a wide range of symptoms such as chronic viral, bacterial and fungal infections; allergic and auto-immune reactions; and certain lymphoproliferative syndromes.
  • 体内实验
  • 同义词
  • 通路
  • 靶点
    Other Targets
  • 受体
  • 研究领域
  • 适应症


  • CAS Number
  • 分子量
  • 分子式
  • 纯度
    >98% (HPLC)
  • 溶解度
    H2O : 25 mg/mL (Need ultrasonic and warming)
  • 化学全称


  • 储存条件
  • 运输条件
    With Ice Pack
  • 稳定性
    ≥ 2 years


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